Thursday, March 20, 2014


Why should I care if you're mad?  Are you mad cuz I lost my friends by either repeatedly messaging or was upset at their hidden racism?  I told them sorry and they didn't write back, so I think they're wrong.

I was saying why should I care, I believe what I believe.  It's something that's not illegal I wanna get out of.  People are all holding painful grudges against me since Tim Burton became popular.

Sorry if this upsets anyone.  I don't mean to be just nasty, just saying.  I don't wanna put up with all that's going along with something I didn't do and don't believe @.  I mean, who does that, who would you want to do that?  It is a bit weird.  I think I may have hurt myself.  True, you could go further and pretend I need to take precaution all the time, but I ain't gonna.  That must just be the plea, that I'd need to protect myself.  No one should care @ me for that, you'd think.  It might be nice in that way, whether or not you know it.  It did bother me, though, that people actually think they need to do this to me..  What am I to you, a machine or monster?  What did I put online that would make me seem to be that hefty?

Anyway, sorry, but I mean I already said sorry.  I think they are bad to not talk to me.  I am really mad they are trying to control my life that way, get sympathy for something they did wrong, still there to bother me.  I mean, they do matter, like anyone would.  I just don't know how to settle my thoughts, in a way.  Sorry once isn't good?  I am nice to them.  I don't really talk to them,  But I mean I would be nice and wish they would talk nicely.  You know, even to say it's okay.  I guess we needed our freedom.  As far as the burden of knowing them like this, I mean it's like some other people who've nagged at me.  I want to have fun, but they make me uncomfortable..

Well, okay for now.

About saying why're you mad.. I mean why should I care.. I mean that I thought I was hurt for it.  I can kinda feel a result from it.

I have more to talk @..

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