Friday, March 21, 2014

Mobile Soon

may or may not post

 photo 2103-05-27-5.png

mai voice is all ight



I see that Jackie Evancho has licensed selling your material.  How does 1 go about doing it?  I would like to play my own version of "All I Ask of You" from The Phantom of the Opera on piano and then dub over my singing.  I want to sell it on iTunes.  Does some of the profit go to you?  How do I do this on iTunes?  If this isn't allowed is okay.  I hope you can help me find the answer, though.  If I give you some of the profit, will you give me a present?  :)  Seriously, any reward or help in getting famous maybe.. or merchandise from your|a shop.  Thank you so much!  Thanks.

What I Found There

Ellen doesn't like gambling.


My hand has been paranoid awhile now..