Sunday, March 23, 2014

Guess what..

..I saw my picture above another younger girl and realized it should be the other way around-


Sorry if you are following my breath and know I was mad.

What're you doing now?

Is that how you're gonna get close to me??


I listen to your *beep* every day.  I go out and I get numerous messages from my parents in code.


So, what, someone will not talk to me and thinks I have gross problems but a teeny tweeny's got it covered by them?!


My dad is making noise again.  I didn't do anything, you all won't STOP BOTHERING ME.


Suddenly, it's colder in the house.. not enough socks nor enough sweaters..


My dad was being really hurtful.. "I didn't not know what.."


They said I was related to Asians, "I'm on it."  Maybe you are but I'm not.


They said it was cuz I was rude.  I wasn't.  You're all torturing me you *beep*


My dad acted like it affected my life..  ,:[


I thought nothing really happened, you pipsqueaks.


So, admit Ellen is letting it hang all the time being mean at me like "DUH WELL WERE YOU MAD CUZ I HOPE SO."


My parents are picking at me if I think of bopping someone.  Supposedly, they thought of deaf and now blind and my right eardrum felt sore..


Sorry for all that wasn't spared in this ^gruesome battle^.


Why do you think I'm "over" at 27 and it's all @ kids?


Like I said, what a fuss @ nothing.

Still, though, I can see what I can see.  What's this Ginny messages.. "Oh I'll **** ya."  Just let shit happen.  Let any drooling thought come out all the time.  Tell me you're better.. and if I say you're not go and do that again!


If I ^didn't mind^ why did you go on and make a big deal of it?  I found the message both true and insulting and also in other ways a lie.

Go ahead and confide in ^all the best people^.

The Truth

Why do the English and Germans always act so insulting @ me?  I know it's cuz people knew I was Chinese.  That's not nice.  That's not true.

So what.. I feel I will be attacked aimlessly.  I took out a lotta words I thought.  Wonder what I did wrong that hurt anyone.  I was told I was not good enough.  Sure, come tell just me that and have it on your life.  I don't wanna be blamed for stuff like being poor!  What's wrong with how I look??  I'm fat?  I bet I got it from others.


I got a message here that Ginny said there is no more Sarah Brightman.  *BEEP*  You can't do that and still be respected.  Stop telling me I am secret in my family.  They are not nice.  Like you!

My Belief

I thought she doesn't deserve respect all the time and is a split-personality and ***.  YOU WEIRDO YOU SAID OTHER PEOPLE IN MY LIFE ARE NOT IMPORTANT.  YOU CAN'T GET INVOLVED IN STUPID..|SELFISH|ANNOYING THINGS LIKE THAT.




Ellen said she did it and there's nothing wrong with my liking Sarah Brightman.  I SAID SO!


You all are mean and need to broadcast yourselves online not just to me.  You care @ old people and are just like unworthy to me.


What's wrong with these people?  Will it be fixed?  I guess I got mad at the messages but not specific people.  I was made fun of for thinking of who it wasn't.  Also, I have a right to enjoy my computer.. not by saying this stuff.

Do you realize

How much of my dedication it takes to post the complexity of the shit you work on?


My dad gave me ham..  I changed the TV.


Why did I feel pressure when something made a noise over my female sac?  Then a hoot and a hollar.


I got another retarded message that my stomach wasn't held in with a cool breath.

The people in the experiment said "that's Hey Kate."  What does that mean?  More lies?


My dad won't shut up with his stupid thoughts cooking.
more posts..



Don't mean anyone in particular..


I got a rude message from someone that's really stupid and babyish that "I won't be singing."  Talk about ungrateful.  I chose not to believe it.


I am not my parents.  I also got an insulting news that someone did something to someone else.  They take pleasure in teasing me I'm most like my dad than anything in the world, but that's not true.  My parents are clean, basic sorta people in some ways true.. but they've or he's tried to get close in ways that annoy me, .. now being everyone is on the hoo ra ra daughters are their fathers.  Too close to say they are a soul mate.  That's why people go *** and not marry.  You think cuz he's fatter that I must be more like him.  I guess it was just an innocent message, but it seems suspicious.  It's true, though, what I said.  It's not a black and white explanation, though.  I don't think it's polite, but it seems to be brought up.  I thought of something else, and it seems cheap..  I thought that that someone didn't get help from someone else to say something rude to me.  It seems rude only if someone else said it..  Like I said in my last post wasn't mad in particular at the person @ it.


Sorry, I was upset at some people this morning|last night..  I'm not really upset at anyone but get the feeling they are at me..

Whatever was the matter?


A Change of Events..

I can't believe how violently my friends reacted to my ^spamming^ them.. I mean like they needed it.

Something Weird

What's so cool about me being seen as mentally ill?  Like, supposedly I am silly?  No..


The evil onset.  Too much batshitcrazy.

Still More Yet

Don't we all admire like Filipinos, etc.?  The Filipinos are more easy to relate to.  I am interested in this topic but am not used to talking to myself about topics like this.

Importance - So..

..It's important to you as a person that your mom makes you feel good but sometimes others too??

My Letter

This experiment was a failure.  The only positive thing is not losing more and more sleep.


What's wrong if I don't wanna spend the rest of my life on those 2 people?


I'm just forgetting @ my friends, this is shit.


I am capable of having a career.  It's called a deliberate decision.


So, am I the 1st to say I have the biggest complex being ethnically Anglo-Irish than those with significant English? battling between having both English and Irish?  I did what I was supposed to do, and someone found out my real race.  :|


You can't say I'm shit and that me talking to someone means I'm shit.  It doesn't.  So, go sniff dog doodoo elsewhere.


I guess some people weren't meant to be amiable.

Digging It

Maybe, we should ^dig^ into the lives of others..


Why would I be a different race than the English?  I don't expect much of a response from certain people.  I think it's just a way of lying.  I am not discriminatory and am quite mixed.  I'm not 1|2 1|2 anything at all in a way..

You just know what I really have and know there is no way I could have lived what other non-Enlgish have but maybe the rest of the U.S. ^knows something I don't know^.  My mom is all 1 race, so I have that in my genes from that generation of life.


No, Ellen I don't want to waste my time on your sneaky unexplained private attacks.. I just know you're involved I feel, but that's your fault if I don't know.  You're taking away from things in my life that are important and you don't think anything is important..

I still have to think @ your weird messages.  So, I'd rather post about things that happen in my life.  Watch me try to ignore your changes in my life I suspect you affected.


I feel I don't have someone to talk to.

Changed My Mind

I don't wanna take singing.. I found a vocal warmup book.