Monday, March 10, 2014


Why are you picking on me for saying someone didn't sound white when they were singing at a certain time?  I said sorry.  I had just been really mad and throwing things on the floor, my water bottles.  It was constructive criticism and now it's a thorn on my side.  You all drawl out shit that doesn't even matter.  Who's responsible??  Why should I do this??  Wow, sorry never cuts it for you cuz I can say whatever I want.  I've been called stuff, as well, so maybe that's why it felt like the next thing.  I was so mad I had cut my hand, though.  That's ^not enough^ for you?  I am so sickened to see you basking in triumph that I'm just shit now.  I'm not a sore loser.  It was just something that was true, didn't know it was a sensitive topic to anyone.