Christina was on the bank of an old town in America and was thinking @ the other girls and what needed to be done. She could not do much to comfort for they only obeyed their mama.
The sun was up high. Christina touched 1 girl and swerved her over and told her to put on her bonnet for she already had freckles and grayish hair and a squinted face. She smiled and obeyed.
A lady took her hand and told her of what was to happen, they were to practice singing in choir. She was invited to learn to play organ and learned pieces that were not used in mass. She was 12, but it wasn't too late, yet.
They practiced in choir. There was a posse of underdogs with her her age. She ended up at the organ, though, a new addition to the children's choir.
After church they wandered a ways by a dock and had a singing and dancing celebration. There was a big reenactment. Year was 1750. Christina had on her pink frock with spots and hair in braids, bonnet on. There was mad fiddling going on. Some older ladies really got into it.