Saturday, February 22, 2014

Whattaya Think?

Is Ellen acting a bit wacked online?  I mean it in the best possible way.  Like she acts like, "Ohhh" with a weird smile like you did something.  What?  I'm not all mad now.  I'll try to stop talking @ Bella, but sometimes I have an improvement.  So..are we supposed to talk @ Bella?  I just see her getting it just because she's here and like we don't matter.  I am happy for her and in no way am saying no.  I just feel insulted with her as a separate thing.  No hard feelings, I am just thinking @ the pain Ellen inflicts by babying the youngest.  Oh, I had a baby in 1997, I'm 50 years old blah blah blah blah blah, not talking to anyone in particular, though..!  "Why can't just anyone have it?" says Helena Bonham Carter.  And why does Bella look so much like Helena Bonham Carter and Sharon Osbourne who are English Jews?  F.Y.I. not exactly a Jew, not a full Jew.  Also, once I asked my dad to look at my green eyes in the mirror, and he told me to text my mom as I lay down and my eyes feel like I have to be careful..  Ellen is being pleasured dipping in leaving these annoying, tacky, g** *clues* of hers like she's on "Blue's Clues" as a young child.