A Lovely Wife
There was a loverly lady named Sarah S. She had wonderful children. 1 was named Scarlett, age 17. Bella, 17. Hayley, 26. Jackie, 13. Christina, 28.
Now, 13 is pretty young. Baby Jackie with her golden curls tied in an 80s theme ponytail on top said, "Mooommy, why are the other girls at school so mean.." "Because, darling, you're very little and most kids there are as old as the teacher. You, Scarlett, Bella, and Hayley will all make it together while I stay home with Christina and keep house: washing, cooking, going to town. I know you love having your feet dipped in the sand like all the other girls do. It's a fantastic adventure! Always something. Now, sit close with mommy and I'll take you on a night outing after supper." Christina was setting supper and having a hard time at it. "Ma'm, when are we gonna relocate ourselves to live with the witches of Harem?" "When the wind changes, darlling."
"Time to eat!!" said Christina. She was the ^boy^ of the house, and everyone respected her for it.
"Hayley, Hayley!" shouted Bella. They were in their new home. "Do you remember what it's like to be a baby, by any chance.." "No, not really, but ma'm makes me feel like I was still 1." Christina said, "Ha ha, really?"
"Oh dear," said Jackie, "It's snowing outside." "It's okay," SS said. "Come on," butted in Christina, "I'll go with ya."
They were in their town home, where witchcraft was practiced. They did incantations in order to find eternal life.
"I just heard something outside!" shreaked Bella.. "Get in the room, you're safe here!" said Christina.. So.. they.. danced-the-night awaa-aa-ay they danced the night away
It was time for the town to caravan to a huge carnival. There were lots of things practiced there and lots of rides. Christina loved the tunnel of love, and she went on stuff alone. It was beyond amazing, a dream come true!..
The way back was weary for most. Christina felt fully rested and did some exploring, figuring if they were in danger they wouldn't be there. "Ah!" There were wolves, so she picked her up and they related the problems in the caravan, while the men boarded off the wolves. "Oh, I was so scared!" shreaked Bella! "There there it's okay," said Hayley..