I mean, I tried so hard to be perfect.
People are at me for lots of things, though. It's for not writing back my cousin when I was like 8 or 9. I just forgot, didn't mean it. They sent such nice stationary, and my parents don't just buy me things.
What else, I said "oh no" when my dad came home cuz I didn't finish my homework and had no time to be with him. I was just trying to be fun..
I failed school after having a sorta mental breakdown being kicked outta my majors in college. And it was not just 1 semester..
I bought stuf with a store card.
I was mad online.
In between I now remember to include my point in case.. I was trapped in the house in my room with noises all bothering me. I ended up spamming friends and family but with educational stuff.
I did get upset I just realized at this girl from ballet, but I mean I was just factually upset.. don't even knoe what it was. These people were racist to me, not answering me. They talk to their other friends.